As I've mentioned before, I am involved with a MOPS group through our church. I really didn't know what to expect, but thought I would give it a try... and I'm so glad I did! I ended-up connecting with the wife of one of Mike's co-workers. I am so incredibly grateful to have met Michelle & her sweet family. We have so much in common & I really feel like I've known her for much more than the few short months that I actually have. Michelle's testimony is such a beautiful example of God's ultimate provision & love. Michelle is mom to Dean, who is playing with Jesus, and 2 adorable & rambunctious twins, Luke & Stella Grace, who are 15 months old. And... she's pregnant & due in July! Isn't God good?!?
Back in October, Mike & Casey both had the day off, so we decided to all go down to Forsyth Park to eat lunch & play. It was actually the first time we had taken Palmer down there & he LOVED it! Now, fast-forward to this past weekend. Mike & Casey had a conference at work on Saturday, so Michelle invited us over to play. It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon & the dads actually finished up early so they got to join in on the fun too! It's crazy to look back at 3 short months ago & see how much these 3 have already changed:

Palmer has gone from barely sitting to crawling everywhere & pulling up to check things out. (Yes, I know, our now picture isn't from the actually play date... I didn't get any of just P, so this is from that night while he helped daddy with the laundry)