Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010

After dinner, Palmer was playing on his quilt & I was 'trying' to get some things checked off my list. Well the only thing on Palmer's list was to get to the tree & destroy. We had several search & rescue efforts going on. After I laid him back on his play quilt Mike started laughing & reaching for the camera, because he brought back a present with him, stuck to his head.
'I've got what?!? Where?!?'
'Silly Daddy, I don't have paper on my head.'
Monday, December 20, 2010
It's beginning to look alot like Christmas
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Milestones & Mr. Monkey: 7 Months
- Believe it or not, Palmer actually lost a little weight this past month- down to a whopping 18 lbs, 2 ounces, which is the 40th percentile for weight- I was shocked!
- His appetite has slowed down some, but he LOVES to feed himself Puffs. He concentrates so hard to grab the puffs with his thumb & pointer finger- once he's got one it goes straight to the mouth; this keeps him occupied for a while & I can eat my lunch.
- Palmer loves anything new, whether it's toys, people, or places. We love to watch him 'study' things to figure out what's going on.
- He's had a crazy stubborn rash & we're re-introducing food to him & actually stopped puffs to see if he has a wheat allergy):
- He's started to scoot a little bit, mainly backwards. He loves to bury his head in the ground & push with his feet to lunge forward.
- Palmer is officially a belly sleeper & it's just fabulous!!!
- This boy LOVES his bed, paci, & lovie! He doesn't even want to be rocked- just layed down and he'll soothe himself to sleep.
- Diaper changes & dressing are officially called WWF Smackdown at our house- enough said!
- Palmer thinks he's one pretty cool baby & loves to see himself in the mirror.
- He started talking like a Swahellee (sp?) baby this month & it is just hilarious- we're still trying to capture it on video.
- We made our second trip to Mississippi at Thanksgiving & Palmer was awesome. On the way back we drove from Birmingham to Macon without stopping!
- Eventhough our family thought we were crazy, we took Palmer to his first Rebels game over Thanksgiving. He's was so bundled up that I don't think he could move, but he did so well & slept through the first quarter.
- STILL no teeth!
- The Stomach Flu 2010 hit our house in a very violent way... but Palmer made it out unscathed- we were so thankful.

Palmer did NOT want to sit- I guess he had better things to do:)
Monday, December 13, 2010
The times...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Milestones & Mr. Monkey: 6 Months

- Tipping the scales at 18 pounds 4 ounces (50%) & 27.6 inches (78%)
- The first thing people comment on when they see Palmer are his eyes & then immediatley his cheeks- they are just plum delicious!!!
- Becoming more & more of a sitter. Palmer can play for long periods sitting up, but then gets tired & crashes to the floor & starts to roll around & play.
- We've nicknamed him 'Roly Poly' & not b/c of the cheeks:) He rolls EVERYWHERE & can't be contained. If I leave the room for a second & come back he's in a totally new spot- usually under a piece of furniture:)
- He's stopped his obession with his feet & it's back to the hands.
- Palmer's favorite toy is still his exersaucer- he rarely gets in his swing.
- We've started using the Johnny Jump Up & he'll tolerate it pretty well. His hands get stuck & he gets mad!
- Palmer loves his toys, but he also loves the 'non-toys'; tags, paper, strings, & boxes top the list.
- He notices it when I leave the room more & more- it makes me feel loved & drives me crazy at the same time:)
- Palmer is 100% a free man in bed, no swaddling. He has started to sleep better & better on his tummy- finally!
- Palmer has transitioned to solid food very well; he'll eat pretty much anything I make him & usually isn't too pleased when I tell him 'All Done' & wipe his mouth.
- LOVES his Mum Mums & thinks he's big stuff feeding himself.
- I try to leave the house at least once a day because Palmer loves new people & new places. (Sometimes I feel like he gets bored at home)
- Dan & Pap surprised Palmer with a new swing for our playset & he is so cute swinging- he'll blink coming forward because of the breeze & just grin & squeal when push him back.
- Palmer had his first playdate at the park with his new friends Stella Grace & Luke. They are about 6 months older than Palmer, so he loved to watch them.
- He also attended his first birthday party & was soooooo good- Mike & I were very surprised at how good he was.
- Bathtime is a favorite still & Palmer thinks he has to sit-up now. It makes for more work for mommy & daddy, but he sure does love it!
Getting a picture of Palmer looking at the camera was a fun challenge this month. I got a WHOLE lot of the following, but it's great because it really captures Palmer's personality! He is so curious about everything around him, so he had fun with Mr. Monkey. He also realized that his chair rocks... that was fun watching him try to rock back-n-forth to get the chair to move.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Our First 'Children'

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Sunday Snapshot
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Road Trippin'- Part Five: Fast & Furious

Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday Snapshot

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A Sacred Tradition