A few weeks ago, we made a whirlwind trip to Valdosta- we were there for less than 24 hours- for Naomi's baptism! Originally we intended to stay for a few days & visit because Mike had the week off, but arrangements for Jake & Lucy fell thru, so we just got to stay one night):
We started off the trip kinda rough- Palmer wasn't thrilled with the car ride & mommy got carsick. We pulled over in the middle of no where for a break & the sunset was just beautiful. I guess Palmer just wanted his picture taken, so he had to pitch a fit to get us to stop:)
When we arrived, Alex & Naomi were tucked snuggly in bed, so we didn't get to see them until the morning. We woke up to the nice pitter patter of Alex's happy feet running through the house. We squeezed in a great visit before church- Palmer & Naomi were so cute checking each other out. We were too busy visiting & oohing over babies to take pictures.
After Church, I got to snap a few shot of this cutie pie in her special dress. Emily & her sister Erin both wore this dress when they were baptized, so it made it extra special. We started off with all smiles...

Emily snapped this picture as we were saying our goodbyes. I'm so sad Naomi was napping because I just LOVE it- next time we'll get all 7 of us!
Yay! So far this is my favorite "Road Trippin'" post. ;) PRECIOUS pictures of Naomi! I'm SOOO glad y'all were able to come! Love you!