Is our baby really 3/4 of the way through year one?!? It's really hard to believe. This is a fun, fun, fun stage, but it also makes me tired, tired, tired! I can't get enough of his smiles, giggles, & cuddles and I get so much joy from watching him learn, teaching him silly songs, & seeing the world through his eyes.
This monthly little photo session went much as I had anticipated & it will be a miracle if we get any more pictures of Palmer with Mr. Monkey in the chair. As you'll see, Mr. Monkey may not survive that long- we may need another monkey on standby! Happy 9 months Sweet P!

- Weighs 19 pounds & 13 ounces (34%) 28.75 inches long (64%)
- Palmer still isn't the most consistent eater, but he's obviously not going without!
- We're working on getting him to hold his own sippy cup & actually drink from it & not use it as a chew toy- some days are better than others.
- Right after Christmas, Palmer learned to sit up on his own... this wasn't the most fun milestone for mommy & daddy! He would sit up in his crib at night & not really know how to get back down. So, it took a few nights & many trips to his room before he learned to lay back down on his on.
- Right after the sitting started, Palmer mastered forward crawling and this boy is a crawling machine! He went from going backwards to crawling forwards 100 mph. He goes super fast to get to mommy & daddy, which makes us feel pretty special;)
- Once Palmer got the hang of crawling, he decided to move right along to pulling up. Ugh... not very fun either! I thought I had baby-proofed, but I was sadly mistaken. Palmer quickly showed us how little we had actually done.
- Along with Palmer's new abilities have come many hard knocks on the noggin'- I think he always has a least one bruise.
- His favorite toy is his little activity table- he loves to crawl over & pull up to play with everything.
- Palmer has started playing with toys in both hands at the same time and he loves to bang them together, especially blocks & balls.
- He loves to throw a ball,& crawl after it, then repeat over & over again- this can entertain him for a while.
- Palmer's favorite non-toy discovery this past month has been windows. He loves to crawl over & just watch what's going on outside. He also likes to play with the blinds... they stay up now!
- Palmer still talks constantly & babbles. I think he's come closer to saying Jake than 'mama'- my feelings are not hurt... yet;)
- We've been teaching Palmer to clap & wave bye. He has combined them into what we call 'The Clave.'
- His new favorite song is 'The Wheels on the Bus' & he loves all the sounds. It's mommy's favorite song too- it offers just enough distraction during a diaper change that he'll be still. We even made up a doggie version called 'The Tongue on the Dog' (goes lick, lick, lick) I know you're all dying to know more & if you're lucky I may share it with you:)
Mr. P is the cutest! FYI - I'm totally stealing your picture idea!