We asked ourselves that several times tonight over dinner- have we really been married for 7 years?!? We sure have packed a lot into those 7 years- it's been one wild & crazy ride. We know with the newest addition to our family this past year, it's only going to get crazier, but that much sweeter:) Our dear, sweet neighbors, Laura & Sherrod, offered to babysit Palmer, Jake, & Lucy tonight so Mike & I could celebrate. We had a wonderful meal at 17hundred90 & stopped by Target for diapers & a tunnel for Palmer on the way home- It was super romantic & the perfect night for us!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Oops, she did it again!
Palmer's Aunt Coco has outdone herself again & made this adorable John John for Palmer. Courtney was asked to help test a pattern & she wanted to make one for Palmer- I just love how it turned out! She had some leftover fabric from Ford's nursery bedding & decided to use it for the outfit & I think it worked out perfect. So, once again, Palmer got to model- he wasn't in the best mood to model, but I think he's looks pretty darn handsome:)

Friday, February 18, 2011
Milestones & Mr. Monkey: 9 Months
Is our baby really 3/4 of the way through year one?!? It's really hard to believe. This is a fun, fun, fun stage, but it also makes me tired, tired, tired! I can't get enough of his smiles, giggles, & cuddles and I get so much joy from watching him learn, teaching him silly songs, & seeing the world through his eyes.
This monthly little photo session went much as I had anticipated & it will be a miracle if we get any more pictures of Palmer with Mr. Monkey in the chair. As you'll see, Mr. Monkey may not survive that long- we may need another monkey on standby! Happy 9 months Sweet P!

- Weighs 19 pounds & 13 ounces (34%) 28.75 inches long (64%)
- Palmer still isn't the most consistent eater, but he's obviously not going without!
- We're working on getting him to hold his own sippy cup & actually drink from it & not use it as a chew toy- some days are better than others.
- Right after Christmas, Palmer learned to sit up on his own... this wasn't the most fun milestone for mommy & daddy! He would sit up in his crib at night & not really know how to get back down. So, it took a few nights & many trips to his room before he learned to lay back down on his on.
- Right after the sitting started, Palmer mastered forward crawling and this boy is a crawling machine! He went from going backwards to crawling forwards 100 mph. He goes super fast to get to mommy & daddy, which makes us feel pretty special;)
- Once Palmer got the hang of crawling, he decided to move right along to pulling up. Ugh... not very fun either! I thought I had baby-proofed, but I was sadly mistaken. Palmer quickly showed us how little we had actually done.
- Along with Palmer's new abilities have come many hard knocks on the noggin'- I think he always has a least one bruise.
- His favorite toy is his little activity table- he loves to crawl over & pull up to play with everything.
- Palmer has started playing with toys in both hands at the same time and he loves to bang them together, especially blocks & balls.
- He loves to throw a ball,& crawl after it, then repeat over & over again- this can entertain him for a while.
- Palmer's favorite non-toy discovery this past month has been windows. He loves to crawl over & just watch what's going on outside. He also likes to play with the blinds... they stay up now!
- Palmer still talks constantly & babbles. I think he's come closer to saying Jake than 'mama'- my feelings are not hurt... yet;)
- We've been teaching Palmer to clap & wave bye. He has combined them into what we call 'The Clave.'
- His new favorite song is 'The Wheels on the Bus' & he loves all the sounds. It's mommy's favorite song too- it offers just enough distraction during a diaper change that he'll be still. We even made up a doggie version called 'The Tongue on the Dog' (goes lick, lick, lick) I know you're all dying to know more & if you're lucky I may share it with you:)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
The Orange Ball
Last week, we had the chance to hangout with this little cutie & her sweet mommy for the afternoon. Palmer has played with some older kids & some younger kids, but never anyone his age- Nora is 2 weeks younger than Palmer, so this was fun to see them interact with each other. We tried to get them to sit still beside each other for a picture... did we really think that would happen with 2 active babies- ha! This was as close as it got to them sitting still & looking forward!
This is where things started to get interesting & there was lots of adult intervention; mainly because of Palmer. We decided to throw a ball in to the mix to see if it would help them be still, but it was just one ball, not two. Two babies + One ball = we need another ball:)

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Sunday Snapshot : Surprise Visit
Saturday, February 5, 2011
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Mike's work schedule has been C-R-A-Z-Y lately, so I decided to head to Vidalia for a few days & I picked the perfect time to go! The day after we arrived this was our schedule:
We woke up & quickly got ready to head out the door for Brantley Grace's play at school. Her class has been learning all about careers & they performed the play 'Magical, Magical Me.' Each student got to dress-up as what they wanted to be when they grew up- Brantley Grace chose to dress-up as a ballet teacher. The play was just precious & everyone did a great job, expecially BG. She had a speaking part & was so confident when she spoke & she even got to do a little dance during the play... right up her ally!

Stone decided to sneak in a little kiss before we headed home for supper.

Friday, February 4, 2011
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall...
Palmer thinks he's the fairest of them all! For months, one of Palmer's favorite things is himself:) He just loves to look at himself in the mirror. We quickly learned that it would turn any cranky frown into a huge grin & it's become a fun game around our house.
At first, Palmer would just grin & squeal at himself:
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