A few weeks ago, Mike had a week off & we took a two-part road trip. First, we stopped in Oneonta, Alabama to see Palmer's Greatmama & Uncle Doug. We had such a great visit and it was very special to introduce Palmer to Mike's Grandmama. We got to Oneonta late at night and Palmer woke up when we arrived. So, we let him play for a little while before trying to get him to bed. We got some of the cutest pictures of Greatmama holding Palmer that night, but those were on my new camera that was stolen before I downloaded them): I'm so glad I snapped this picture with my other camera or else we would have no pictures of this leg of the trip. We can't wait to see them again at Thanksgiving.

Next, we headed up to Oxford, Mississippi to stay with Mike's brother for a few days. We had a blast & Palmer was completley entertained by his big cousin Avery. Gramps & Gogo also drove over from Clinton to visit and babysit for us during the Ole Miss game. I'm saving the game day pics for another post- there were just too many! Before Gramps & Gogo left on Sunday, we snapped a few family pics:
Three Generations of Davis Men!
I wish I had captured Gramps' face when I said we needed a picture of him holding his two grandchildren- it was a mixture of fear & you've got to be crazy! As you may have gathered, us Davis women don't make small children and he had quite the armful. These pictures were a riot- Avery was hiding or looking away on most of them & Palmer looked scared for his life in most of them, so here is our best shot... I still think it's pretty darn cute.
I usually just take a random picture to test lighting & exposure before I take pictures- Mike knows my routine and sometimes plays around, therefore, I've gotten some pretty funny outakes- like the one above- too bad he's already married or this would make the wedding video.

Our last night in Oxford, we took some pictures around the house of Avery & Palmer.
I wonder what Avery is thinking... this face is full of mischief!
Practicing sitting up like a big boy.
After our picture time, we loaded up and went to dinner in downtown Oxford at Ajax's on the Square. It was a really unique place- patrons throw toothpicks all over the ceiling for a very interesting take on decorating. The food was excellent- southern style with a cajun kick.

Mike & Uncle Todd agreed to babysit one morning so the ladies could go to Avery's gymnastics class. I was very impressed with her class and look forward to doing this with Palmer. They did a great job of incorporating educational learning through songs throughout the instruction time. Here are a few action shots of Avery.

The next night, Todd had to go into work for a little bit, so the rest of us headed to the park. It was such a nice evening- Avery had a blast running around & Palmer took a little cat nap in his stroller while Mike took him on a walk.

Our last night in Oxford, we took some pictures around the house of Avery & Palmer.

I jumped in a few with my little man- he was so sweet and cuddly, until he started to eat my nose.

Mike loves this picture of Avery with Bella, their yellow lab in the background rolling around on her back- it was pretty funny- both Avery & Bella acting crazy.

After our picture time, we loaded up and went to dinner in downtown Oxford at Ajax's on the Square. It was a really unique place- patrons throw toothpicks all over the ceiling for a very interesting take on decorating. The food was excellent- southern style with a cajun kick.
A family picture on the square- thanks Courtney!
We had so much fun visiting family & hanging out in Oxford. We're so thankful that Todd & Courtney took a leap of faith moving to Oxford- it's such a blessing to be closer to them. It was also neat to hear stories from Mike's college days & for him to see how much Oxford & Ole Miss had grown. A Rebel win would have been icing on the cake- maybe they'll pull out a miracle in the Egg Bowl at Thanksgiving;)
You had me cracking up with part about Gramps holding the kids. Love it! Love this post. Love the photos. Love everything. We can't wait to have you back here!